Golden Trowel presentation
On April 15, 2022, Linden Masonic Lodge #192 AF@AM presented Bro. Jim Cornett with a Golden Trowel Award. The Golden Trowel is the highest honor an individual lodge can bestow on a member. The award is given for outstanding service to the craft. Jim is Past Master of Linden Lodge, past District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District # 5 and current District 5 instructor. Pictured Left to Right: Jonathan Cornett - Secretary, Past District Deputy Grand Master Dr. Jim Rumsey, Chairman of Committee on work Jim Cornett, Golden Trowel Recipient, District Instructor, Past District Deputy Grand Master, Chaplain Brian Cloninger: District Education Officer, Past Master, Marshall Ralph Cunningham, District Deputy Grand Master W.M. “Pop” Hunt, Worshipful Master, District Communications Officer.