
Lions Club

Lions Club

Lion Amanda Jackson presented a “Don’t Mess With Texas” program. The club agreed to continue the trash pickup along highway 77W. Pictured are Lion Jim Davenport, Lion Amanda Jackson and Lion Tail Twister Stuart Smith.

Atlanta District Speech

Atlanta District Speech

Atlanta District Speech and Debate competed today in Lincoln-Douglas Debate and Extemporaneous Speaking advancing all competitors to finals. In LD: 1st - Manuel Olvera, 2nd - Tanner Cook, 4th - Jon Kennedy. In Persuasive Extemp: 2nd - Autumn Cook, 3rd - Manuel Olvera, 4th - Sam Jones. In Informative Extemp: 4th - Cademon Larson, 5th - Jon Kennedy, 6th - Tanner Cook 6th. With these results Atlanta secured the Speech and Debate District Championship!

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Monday, Cademon Larson and Sam Jones started debating at 9 a.m. and finished their last round at 6:15 p.m., this was a grueling day. Please congratulate them on advancing to the octofinals with a 4-0 record!!! In addition to that Cademon took home the 5th top speaker award out of 102 competitors, this is a huge accomplishment!


Cass County Now

306 West Main St
Atlanta, TX 75551