The Stanmore Family History, Part 2
LEVI STANMORE Levi, the oldest child of Levi and Rosie Stanmore, was born April 7, 1900. At a very early age he became a member of the Oak Grove Baptist Church. It was at the Oak Grove Baptist Church Where he Has ordained as a minister. Levi’s greatest interest was for a higher education. He attended public school in Queen City and then on to Bishop College in Marshall, Texas. He worked as a cook at night and the early morning while at Bishop College. Levi had time for sport so he played football and earned a scholar¬ship. While attending Bishop College he met and married Beverly McNeal of Marshall. To this union five children were born. They are Levi, Jr. (who died at 6 or 9 months), Rosie Lee, Mary Ellen, Willis Levi, and Callie Faye.