
Atlanta Lions Club

Atlanta Lions Club

Atlanta Lions Club members were back at Luigi’s after meeting at Amigos Juan’s for the last five weeks.The club listened to Ken Adams Commissioner Councilman of Cub Scouts Pack 343 which the Atlanta Lions Club sponsored and chartered back on May 1, of this year.

Salt and Water

Salt and Water

In order to maintain life, there are two things that are essential: salt and water. From the book of Genesis and all the way through Revelation, the Bible consistently speaks of water. Matthew 5:13 tells us we are the salt of the earth. Salt and water are necessities. The Bible tells us in Genesis and Revelation that there is a river flowing from the throne of God.


Hello everyone, I got some of this information from the book, PRAYING THE NAMES OF JESUS. Only once in the New Testament is Jesus described as a lion.

More Cass County Endsleys

More Cass County Endsleys

William Pickney (21 Dec. 1827,S.C.-25 Nov. 1917), married Mary E. Urqua-hart (12 June 1834-18 Jan. 1916) His parents were Joseph and Ellen (Neill) Endsley. Her parents were Henry A. Urquahart and Martha Ellen Morgan, whose father was Henry Morgan. The Urquahart’s are descendants of the Urquaharts who lived in Scotland in the Urquahart Castle on Loch Ness Lake.


Cass County Now

306 West Main St
Atlanta, TX 75551