L-K girls attend majorette camp
Football season must be approaching because the Linden Kildare High School majorettes were on campus last week tapping, turning, twirling and tossing. The band program hosted high school majorette camp at LKHS July 19th through the 23rd. Rather than pay to send the LK majorettes away to camp at a University where they are mixed in with majorettes from many other schools, the LK band program was able to hire in a specialist to work a camp custom built for Linden Kildare. This saves money overall and ensures the routines are written to show off the girls’ strengths and touch up weak spots.
Atlanta High School Class of 1956 Reunion
Classmates who began first grade, shown at the 65th reunion in Atlanta on June 5, 2021.
Back to School Backpack Drive
Piney Grove Baptist Church will host their third annual Back to School Backpack Drive on July 31. Come by the Sanctuary at 3268 HWY 77W, Atlanta, TX between 10 A.M. and 12 P.M. or you can reserve your backpack and supplies by texting “backpack” to 903-733-4001.
Meet the teacher
J.K. Hileman Elementary will host Meet the Teacher from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 10.