Happy Liquor Grand Opening
Happy Liquor - the first liquor store in Queen City - held its Grand Opening and ribbon cutting Monday morning. Bun Leng Tann, and his wife Anna, came to the United States 20 years ago and reside in Naples, Texas, where they own both the Happy Donut and Happy Liquor Stores. Those present at the ribbon cutting included: Queen City Mayor Harold Martin, QC City Secretary Amanda Wiley, Atlanta Mayor Travis Ransom, QC Economic Development Corporation President Donna Bird, and QC EDC members Dale Godwin, Corey Graf and Jeff Parker. The store is located at 301 US Highway 59 and is open from 10 am until 9 pm, Monday through Saturday. Photo by Kate Stow
The Queen City Bands
The Queen City Bands hosted their annual Christmas Concert Thursday night at Eugene Sloan Memorial Gym. The concert was a wonderful way to showcase the talents of all our band students in sixth through 12th grades while providing fun and festive entertainment for our families. Photos by PHYLLIS WARREN
Artists of the MONTH
Artist for the month of December winners and where their work is displayed are:
L-K HS students in Mr. Horton’s Principles of Technology used applied geometry this past week to create Ferris wheels for the holidays. Picture courtesy Tiger Tracks Yearbook