Columns & Opinions

LEDC Update

LEDC Update

This will be the final installment in the multi-update series that I’ve been writing regarding the monetary and fiscal policy being implemented by the U.S. in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Over the last few weeks, I’ve discussed the actions being taken—target interest rate changes aiming to accomplish large-scale capital expansion & market intervention in the form of quantitative easing, and I’ve touched on how another economic powerhouse, Japan, handled a financial collapse following World War II by innovating and elevating itself to an unalienable position on the economic world table.

Our local merchants are today’s heroes

Last week an ice cream parlor in Massachusetts quickly closed their doors again a day after reopening them, after customers verbally assaulting the staff because they were frustrated with the time it took to get their order. Several people in their community took out their frustrations verbally on a 17-year-old girl that was doing the best with the current crisis conditions.

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Linden is working hard! We are still digging out of the backlog of work that built up while we were fixing storm damage. Lots of broken water/sewer lines plus park and street damage. We had 30+ mature trees blow down in the park. We will be working to get the park cleared and then mowed. We can accept tree trimmings at the dump if you call City Hall and set up a time.


Cass County Now

306 West Main St
Atlanta, TX 75551