Columns & Opinions
Blood donation has become one of the most well-known and most effective life-saving medical techniques in modern surgery. Countless lives are saved each year through blood donation. One of the most important figures in modern blood banks was Dr. Charles Richard Drew, whose efforts saved many lives during World War II.
LEDC Update
This week marks an important point in Phase 3 of Governor Greg Abbott’s initiative to reopen the economy of the state of Texas. Starting this Friday (June 12th), all businesses located in counties with 10 or fewer active COVID-19 cases may expand their occupancy limits up to 75%.
Storm preparations begin while state continues to battle COVID-19
AUSTIN — As Tropical Storm Cristobal moved north in the Gulf of Mexico from the Yucatan Peninsula toward Louisiana, the weather system’s potential impact on East Texas grew and Gov. Greg Abbott on June 5 addressed the situation in a news conference.
City Administrator UPDATE
Linden is moving forward. Thank you for helping reduce the number of stray dogs, we still have some habitual loose offenders, but the numbers are headed down.