Where Is it?
Time for a tough Where Is It? mystery. What is this fabulous facility and where is it? To guess correctly you will need several hints. But once knowing, you will never forget. You’ll find yourself in a pickle if you do. Did you catch that hint? Return next week for an explanation of this building and plans for it. Let’s just say those plans for this building have something to do with cucumbers.Enough said? See you next week for the“Where Is It?” answer.
Triniti Ramsdell is the 17-year-old daughter of Carrie and Collen Ramsdell and Bruce and Robin Davis. Her grandparents are Becky Whatley, Bob Whatley, Linda Conner, and Sonny Corbett.
Alexis Armstrong is the 17-year-old daughter of Tialida Armstrong and La’Rodrick Linwood. Her grandparents are Yuwanda Linwood and Charlene Armstrong. After high school she plans to go into the Air Force, obtain a Ultrasound Technician certification and then start a career.
Zaliyah Mitchell is the 17-year-old daughter of Edward Mitchell Jr. and Brittay Surratt. Her grandparents are Leila Surratt, Cynthia Mitchell, Alford Montgomery, and Edward Mitchell Sr.