
903 Artisans Spring Show

903 Artisans Spring Show

Mayor Travis Ransom awarded the first “Mayor’s Choice” award to his favorite painting - by Charles Ellingburg - at the 903 Artisans Spring Show held Saturday. Charles donates 100% of the profits from his art to the Color Hands charity which helps fight the war against sex trafficking worldwide. We will have more information about this charity in an upcoming issue. See more photos of the art show on page 2. Photo by Kate Stow

Election is May 7

There are only two propositions and two local races for the upcoming May 7 election. In the City of Atlanta, Kendell Wolfe will run against James Brooks IV for Mayor. And for the City Council At-Large race, Corvette Phillips will run against Chad Clements. The Texas propositions are listed below:


Cass County Now

306 West Main St
Atlanta, TX 75551