
Chocolate Party!
Chocolate Party!
Chocolate Party!
Chocolate Party!
Chocolate Party!
Chocolate Party!
Chocolate Party!
Chocolate Party!
Chocolate Party!

Chocolate Party!

Friends of Atlanta Public Library hosted their Chocolate Party on Thursday, June 23. Various authors were there selling and promoting their books and lots of chocolates were served. See more photos on page 2. (Journal-Sun Photos)

Cullen Baker is baccckkkk!

It was officially announced on the Bloomburg Community social media page that the Cullen Baker Fair will be back. Typically the event is held in the first week of November. The event highlights the notoriety of infamous, Cullen Montgomery Baker, the town’s probably most well-known historical figure. Baker was a “Confederate deserter, murderer, and lawless Reconstruction era ruffian.” That said the event is “from its inception, has been devoted to ideals and principles that stand in stark contrast to those that governed the life of the Civil War-era outlaw whose name is associated with the event,” noted from Don Shirley’s historical research paper.

Thoughts on the New Deal and the ‘Atlanta Grade School’

“Dramatic changes rolled over Texas and the nation like a title wave in the early 1930s,” I wrote in 1986 for a special 1936 Texas Centennial commemorative issue of Texas Architect magazine, “brought on by a hurricane of economic disaster called the Great Depression.” The building industry suffered as much as any economic sector when funding for most public and almost all private construction evaporated. By 1933, overall national unemployment exceeded 30 per cent, and an estimated 85 per cent of professional architects and engineers had no commissions or paychecks. In response, a new U.S. President, Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR), took the oath of office in March 1933 (as I continued in 1986) …


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Atlanta, TX 75551