
Back-to-SchBack-to-School Bashool Bash
Back-to-School Bash
Back-to-School Bash

Back-to-School Bash

H.O.P.E Ministries along with First Baptist Church, Pinecrest Baptist Church, Linden Masonic Lodge, 4-H, CEP, Linden Together, Linden United Method 1st Church, Ebenezer CME Church, Salem Baptist Church, Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, New Light Baptist Church and Macedonia Baptist Church hosted a community back to school bash on Saturday July 30th that featured free backpacks, hotdogs and school supplies. There was also live music, a water slide, games, and snow cones. Several in the community came out to the event and enjoyed the day. Photos by Raydeen Edwards and Betty Coleman.

Early Chamber of Commerce
Early Chamber of Commerce
Early Chamber of Commerce

Early Chamber of Commerce

The purpose of the Chamber of Commerce has changed drastically since it was organized here 94 years ago. The original intent was to educate the progressive farmers in the area, among other things. The Tri-State Fair was an event the Chamber put on each year that drew thousands of people into the city. The name of the fair was eventually changed to the Tri State Watermelon Festival, and in 1939 it drew a crowd of more than 15,000 from the three-states area.

Genealogical Society meeting

The Cass County Genealogical Society will meet Thursday August 11, 2022. At this meeting C.C.G.S. Member Benny Prince will talk about the efforts, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, of the Patterson Family to turn the town of Bloomburg, Texas and the community of Bright Star, Arkansas into a trade, business, and cultural center in Northeast Texas.


Cass County Now

306 West Main St
Atlanta, TX 75551