Food truck owners petition city council’s 1990 statute ***UPDATED***
A code approved by city officials years ago regarding food truck operations in Atlanta, Texas has suddenly become a point of contention for community members, with varied opinions on the topic.
L-K board members take oaths,new officers elected
The board recognized an outgoing board member, before swearing in a new member and electing officers for the new year.
Area man Facing 41 counts of child pornography possession
Similar charges levied in Cass County, including indecency with a child by exposure
Flu Season is Here
Flu is on the rise in Northeast Texas with an uptick of patience seeing local clinics. The primary strain of Flu in our area is the type A strain. According to Medical News Today, “Influenza A viruses cause seasonal flu epidemics practically every year in the United States. They can infect humans and animals. Influenza A is the only type that can cause a pandemic, which is a global spread of disease. Bird flu and swine flu pandemics both resulted from influenza A viruses.”