Eyes to the Sky
Sin has been in the world for thousands of years. We are seeing things go on in this world our minds wouldn’t have been able to perceive even 10 years ago.
Sin has been in the world for thousands of years. We are seeing things go on in this world our minds wouldn’t have been able to perceive even 10 years ago.
The Caddo Lake National Wildlife Refuge (CLNWR) Trail-of-the-Month for May is Starr Ranch Trail. On Saturday, May 28, 9am-1pm, volunteers with the Cypress Basin Chapter of Texas Master Naturalists (CBTMN) will be at the Visitor Center and at Starr Ranch trail to welcome you, give you a map, help you get oriented to the refuge and even walk the trail with you if you so request. Admission to the CLNWR is free.
Please join The Salem Cemetery Association as we host our annual Flag Ceremony at 10 a.m., rain or shine, on Saturday, May 21. We will celebrate the many Veterans buried on our historic grounds, enjoy music, speakers and presentations by local Boy Scout Troop #311. This is an inspirational event that will leave you with a happy heart and a song in your step. Refreshments will be served, and the public is encouraged to join us as we place flags on the graves of each of our soldiers dating back to the Confederacy. Come join the fun and honor our Veterans. We look forward to seeing you. Salem Cemetery is located two miles west of Bloomburg off Highway 74 at 2455 CR 4810.
Scholarship recipients, left to right: Kennedy Giies, Halle Woshington, Justin Hall, Emma Baker (Joe & CaroIyn Woodiey Memorial Scholarship), Camryn Allen, and NyIa Harrison. Scholarship Committee: Gary & Judy Upchurch, Jean Cothren (Q.C. AIumni Assoc. President), Wynell and Billy Heldt, and Martha Godwin. Queen City Alumni meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. at Amigo Juan’s in Atlanta.
The Cass County Genealogical Society hosted its May 12 meeting with Cathie Maley as the guest speaker. The Genealogical Society is hosting a pot luck picnic at noon on Thursday, June 9.
306 West Main St
Atlanta, TX 75551