AUGUST 25TH (Thursday) is our first ever Educational Series Seminar on “Social Media Strategies for your Business”. This is a brown bag lunch event but we will have snacks from chamber members for you to sample. SEPTEMBER 4TH Moonlight Madness - The Sunday before Labor Day is always fun in downtown Atlanta. Join us from 7-10pm as our downtown shops will be open and vendors will line the streets.Shopping,music and more is what is in store. CHAMBER MEMBERS GET A FREE BOOTH. To sign up click the link: Moonlight Madness Vendor Form. SEPTEMBER 20TH Chamber 101: For our new members (1 year or less) This is your chance to meet the chamber staff and ask questions. Meet longtime member Clay Collins of Bob’s Printing as he discusses his membership and how your Chamber of Commerce can help your business. The event should last about one hour. 5-5:15 p.m. (meet and greet) Glow Run Sponsorship is now OPEN: This year’s Glow Run 5 K and Monster Mile will be October 22. Deadline for sponsorship is September 22nd. We want to thank our current sponsors. Flint’s Furniture (Presenting Sponsor) Health Care Express (Glow Run Party Sponsor) Cass County Fitness (Mile Marker Sponsor) The Family Eye Care Clinic (Mile Marker Sponsor) and Red River Credit Union. Please keep in mind we already have a Presenting Sponsor and need 1 more Mile Marker Sponsor. If you would like to run this event we encourge you to sign up at Atlanta/5KGLOWRunMonsterMile If you have not done so already please follow us on social media. More events and information attached including a run down of Founder’s Day Events!
TEA releases accountability rating for Atlanta ISD
The Texas Education Agency released state accountability results for school districts across Texas on Friday. Atlanta Independent School District received an overall grade of 89.