Cleve ‘Buddy’ Fortune family
My grandfather Cleve “Buddy” Fortune was born August 20, 1913 in Cass County and died there April 12, 1977. He was the son of Edgar Marshall Fortune and Elizabeth Anne Peck. He married Danie Futruel Daniel August 05, 1937 in Cass County. She was born July 07, 1918 in Cass County and died February 19, 1989 in Longview, Gregg County, Texas. She was the daughter of William Eguart Daniel and Emma Mae Williamson of Cass County. Cleve was in the CCCs. Granddad was pretty much bed ridden for as long as I knew him. But occasionally he did take us grand kids on a ride in an old jeep he had. Out on the country roads that weren’t paved. We thought this was the grandest thing, probably because his health didn’t permit him to do much with us except that. I could always tell how much he enjoyed those trips. He grew up in the house he and Granny lived in, and he would tell us those old back roads used to be “old wagon trails.” Then there wasn’t another house for miles. He used to take his walking cane and try to catch us with it, as we’d run by his bed. Granny had placed his bed in the front room for convenience and so he wouldn’t miss anything. We always knew when he was tired because he’d catch us. We knew it was time to go outside and play for a while so he could rest. Granny and Granddad were married in a double ceremony with Aunt Daughty (Ava Geraldine Daniel) and Uncle Diddy (Willard Fortune). Two brothers married two sisters. Cleve Fortune was a Charter member of Bible Baptist Church Hughes Springs, Texas. He died at home after a stay in the Linden hospital. He is buried in the Hughes Springs Cemetery.