Substitute teacher arrested for offering to pay students to bully
A substitute physical education teacher working in Caddo Parish School District was arrested Sept 12 after an August 23 incident when the substitute offered to pay up to $25 dollars for five students to tackle another student, according to Public Information Officer Bia Roldan, with Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office. Aadrina Smith, 24—reportedly of Atlanta, Texas— is alleged to have offered to pay five different students $5 each to tackle another student in PE class. Detectives with CPSO arrested Smith for encouraging students to commit battery and bully a classmate said, Sheriff Steve Prator. “Video of the incident shows Smith verbally communicating with five students and appeared to congratulate three who participated in the battery,” Roldan said. “The substitute teacher sat on the bleachers while the victim lay on the gym floor and later got up. Smith never helped the victim and did not report the incident.”