AISD promotes bus safety
As part of National School Bus Safety Week, Atlanta Independent School District would like to remind the community of the important role that bus drivers play in our schools.
As part of National School Bus Safety Week, Atlanta Independent School District would like to remind the community of the important role that bus drivers play in our schools.
The American Legion recently hosted a dinner and program to recognize area students that attended American Legion Boys State and Bluebonnet Girls State this past summer. Trent Granberry, Erica Lavoie, Karlee Sullivan and Clayton Whittenberg spoke to Legion members about their experiences and thanked them for allowing them to have this opportunity. Chauncett Miles was unable to attend due to the band contest, but she sent a written message which was read at the banquet. Queen City High School greatly appreciates American Legion Post 258 for their continued support of our students.
Pastor T. J. Bolt of Center Grove Baptist Church located on County Road 1122 in Linden, Texas, and others participated in the groundbreaking ceremony Saturday, October 15, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. Pastor Bolt discussed the construction plans and read the Roll Call of the seventy-two (72) veterans interred in the Center Grove Cemetery. Mr. Paul Ellinger, retired U. S. Navy, and American Legion member of the American Legion post in Atlanta, Texas, presented comments about the church’s plans to honor the service of Billy R. Kirkland and the veterans. Barry Wise read accomplishments of B. R. Kirkland’s military, American Legion service, and many patriotic services. Pastor Bolt, Rocky Liles (great nephew of B. R. Kirkland), and Barry Wise performed the groundbreaking activity. Center Grove Baptist Church and the cemetery are located in the “center” of Cass County. Our church will continue to leave a legacy of honor for American veterans. Mr. Paul Ellinger, retired U. S. Navy veteran and Atlanta American Legion member, retires and carefully folds the American flag that Billy R. Kirkland had raised at Center Grove Baptist church, February 6, 2020.
The 21st Annual Texas Bigfoot Conference was held last weekend in Jefferson. The event drew in hundreds of sasquatch enthusiasts from around the world.
1st John 5:2 - By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments.
306 West Main St
Atlanta, TX 75551