December Yard of the Month
Congratulations to Linden Economic Development Corporation for receiving December’s Yard of the Month from Linden Garden Club. Pictured is Megan Kirkland with LEDC.
Arkansas man arrested for car theft in Atlanta
An Arkansas man was arrested early Sunday, Dec. 11, in Fouke when he was allegedly caught in possession of a family vehicle stolen from a residential area near downtown Atlanta, according to police.
Building projects taking shape at Atlanta ISD
Atlanta ISD has a number of projects they are working on currently including the entrance to Atlanta Primary School, the new baseball and softball fields and the CTE Building.
Tornadoes in Northeast Texas do an estimated $13 million in damages
Cass County was one of several communities in Northeast Texas that was received damage to the timber industry after this last tornado in November. According to Texas A&M forest service the series of tornadoes that struck Northeast Texas in early November damaged timber on more than 10,000 acres. The timber was worth an estimated $13 million.