James D. Silman family history
James Dean Silman was born in May about 1837 in Tennessee. He was the son of Benjamin F and Nancy Silman. Benjamin was born about 1805 in South Carolina. Nancy was born in Tennessee about 1814. B. F. and Nancy were married circa 1832. At the time of the 1850 census, they were living in Giles Co, Tennessee and had 5 children.
Ghost squirrels
TPWD census counts show squirrel numbers are down as much as 92 percent at the Gus Engeling WMA
Linden Yard of the Month
Congratulations to Vanzear Mitchel for receiving the January Yard of the Month. 305 Grubb Street, Linden.
Atlanta Lions Club
Cory Yates with Yates Unicorn Ranch Ministries spoke to the Atlanta Lions Club (pictured center). Also pictured are Billy Hensley, Dr. Mike Dodd and Stuart Smith.