What is PUC?
According to the Public Utilities Commission of Texas Website, https://www.puc. texas.gov/agency/about/ mission.aspx, “The Public Utilities Commission of Texas regulates the state’s electric, telecommunication, and water and sewer utilities, implements respective legislation, and offers customer assistance in resolving consumer complaints.” The Texas Legislature enacted the Public Utility Regulatory Act, or PURA, and created PUC in 1975 to provide state regulation of rates and services of electric and telecommunication utilities. Initially, PUC regulated water utilities. In 1986 Texas WaterCommission began regulating water utilities. According to PUC Texas Website, the significant legislature enacted by Texas in 1995 and the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 “dramatically changed the PUC’s role by allowing for competition in telecommunications wholesale and retail services, and by creating a competitive electric wholesale market. In 1999, the Texas Legislature provided for the restructuring of the electric utility industry, allowing certain customers electric choice.” PUC stated on its Website that the mission and focus have shifted “from regulation of rates and services to oversight of competitive markets and compliance enforcement of statutes and rules for the electric and telecommunication industries. Effective oversight of competitive wholesale and retail markets for electric and telecommunication is necessary to ensure that customers receive the benefits of competition. For water and sewer utility service, however, the focus remains on the regulation of rates and services.” According to PUC, the commission continues to perform a traditional regulatory function for electric transmission and distribution utilities across the state. “Additionally, while integrated electric utilities outside of the ERCOT power grid remain fully regulated by the PUC, the PUC is increasingly involved in multi-state efforts to implement wholesale electric competitive market structures and transmission planning in the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) and Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) areas,” the Website states. “In 2013, the Texas Legislature transferred the economic regulation of water and sewer utilities from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to the PUC. This transfer involved the programs dealing with the regulation of water and sewer rates and services, Certificates of Convenience and Necessity (CCNs) and Sale/Transfer/Mergers.