
The dynamic duo of the Cass County Genealogical Society
The dynamic duo of the Cass County Genealogical Society

The dynamic duo of the Cass County Genealogical Society

Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound……look up in the sky…it’s a bird, it’s a plane no it’s…… These famous few lines are very familiar to most of us as the introduction of the very popular Superman! But there is a couple that can be just as famous in Cass County IF their secret identities continue after this publication.


Bowie County I-30 – From FM 989 to Arkansas state line, reconstructing and widening highway, placing concrete barrier in median I-30 – From FM 989 to FM 3419, extension of frontage roads. FM 2148 closed under I-30 bridge I-30 - Eastbound from FM 2253 past FM 3419, bridge work. Lane closure as needed SH 8 – At Sulphur River, replacing bridges SH 98 – At Anderson Creek, bridge replacement I-30 - Westbound, west from US 82, drainage improvements. Lane closure Cass County US 59 - From 4 miles south of FM 2328S to SH 11, surface rehab. Lane closures SH 8 – At Sulphur River, replacing bridges US 67 – Widening bridge at Jennings Slough. Lanes open US 59 – From 1.2 miles south of FM 2328N to 1.9 miles south of FM 2328S, resurfacing road. Lane closures US 59 - From SL 236 to FM 3129, resurfacing road. Lane closures Morris County I-30 – Eastbound at Exit 178, US 259, ramp rehabilitation. Eastbound lane closure Titus County US 271 – At Dickson Creek, Big Slough Creek, White Oak Creek & White Oak Creek Relief, replacing bridges FM 1735 - From SH 49 to FM 4000, widening road, closed to through traffic

Stationary brings complacency

Acts 1:10, 11 There is always a reason as to when the presence of angels is made known. The reason in this passage came in a two-part message. The first reason: it was time to stop just standing there. Jesus left, but He left them with a promise, they would realize that He was still there. Jesus had brought them to this mountain, but he did not bring them there to stay. He brought them there so that they should continue his work.


Cass County Now

306 West Main St
Atlanta, TX 75551