Family is satisfied to finally receive some justice in Brooks case
A heart-breaking ordeal finally began to have some closure when 32-year-old (Age Correction from last week’s article) Charles Brooks JR. accepted a plea deal on Friday.
A heart-breaking ordeal finally began to have some closure when 32-year-old (Age Correction from last week’s article) Charles Brooks JR. accepted a plea deal on Friday.
Experts, deer managers predicting banner antler year despite ongoing drought
Bowie County I-30 – From FM 989 to Arkansas state line, reconstructing and widening highway, placing concrete barrier in median I-30 – From FM 989 to FM 3419, extension of frontage roads. FM 2148 closed under I-30 bridge I-30 - Eastbound from FM 2253 past FM 3419, bridge work. Lane closure as needed SH 8 – At Sulphur River, replacing bridges SH 98 – At Anderson Creek, bridge replacement I-30 - At Spur 86 eastbound for two miles, drainage upgrades. Lane closure Cass County US 59 - From 4 miles south of FM 2328S to SH 11, surface rehab. Lane closure SH 8 – At Sulphur River, replacing bridges US 59 – From 1.2 miles south of FM 2328N to 1.9 miles south of FM 2328S, resurfacing road. Lane closure US 59 - From SL 236 to FM 3129, resurfacing road. Lane closure Harrison County US 59 – At I-20, replacing bridge. US 59 traffic shifted to southbound lanes I-20 – Concrete pavement repairs. Daytime lane closures SH 43 – At Kansas City Southern Railroad in Karnack, widening bridge over railroad. Roadway open FM 3001 – At Little Cypress Bayou Relief, replacing bridge. Temporary traffic signals in place, lane closure with two-way traffic I-20 - From US 80 to FM 134, installing safety barrier cable. Lane closure Marion County SH 155 - At Lake O’ The Pines, replacing bridge. Lane, shoulder closures Panola County US 59 (Loop) – From Business 59 north of Carthage to US 79 east, rehabilitating highway. Daytime lane closures SH 149 – 0.8 miles south of SH 315 to US 59, widening road US 59 - At FM 1794, constructing interchange. Daytime lane closures Titus County US 271 – At Dickson Creek, Big Slough Creek, White Oak Creek & White Oak Creek Relief, replacing bridges US 271 - From FM 3417 to SL 179, resurfacing road. Lane, should closures FM 1735 - From SH 49 to FM 4000, widening road, closed to through traffic Upshur County US 271 – From 5.9 miles north of SH 155 to 1.5 miles north of SH 155, resurfacing road. Lane, shoulder closures US 80 - From Wood County line to 0.3 miles east of SH 155N, resurfacing road SH 155 - At Lake O’ The Pines, replacing bridge. Lane, shoulder closuress
William Green Curry Hampton was born October 30, 1839 in Crawford County, Georgia. He was the second child of John Hampton Jr. and his wife, Mary. W.G.C. Hampton was one of several members of the extensive Hampton family to reside in Cass Co, Texas.
A watercolor painting by Linden artist Terri deNatale has earned acceptance into the Texarkana Regional Art Center’s 35th Annual Juried Exhibition for 2023.
306 West Main St
Atlanta, TX 75551