TxDOT Atlanta District recipient of safety award
ATLANTA – The Texas Department of Transportation is proud to announce the Atlanta District is the recipient of the 2023 Texas Bluebonnet Safety Award.
Land donated to Linden Cemetery Association
The Storys were among many settlers emigrating to East Texas from Perry County, Tennessee in the late 1840’s. The 35-acre Story homeplace, on which Bruce and Bernie now live, is in the northwest part of the original Story land patent, and the Linden Cemetery evolved from the Story family graveyard located in the far northwest corner of that family home place both house and graveyard having been set along the west side of the old road leading north from the seat of Cass County to the seat of Bowie. The oldest 4-1/2 acres of the present cemetery, with a number of graves from the 1850s, comprise that original family graveyard.
Local leaders accept award in Dallas
During the 2023 Texas Municipal League (TML) Annual Conference and Exhibition in Dallas, the City of Linden received a 2023 Municipal Excellence Award in management innovations for cities under 25,000 in population. The award recognized the City for its regional economic development consortium.
Local Events
The Mary Daugherty Senior Citizens Center is open all week for anyone who would like to join the group there for bingo, exercise, crocheting and a meal.