Columns & Opinions

City Administrator UPDATE

City Administrator UPDATE

With cooler temps moving in, Linden is getting ready for Fall events. We had a great Cub Scout signup last week and a good group of 5-10-year-old kids ready to start their Scouting life. Boy Scouts are also becoming active again, so get in touch with our Scoutmaster Barry Jackson if you are interested in getting into Scouting at 903 278-2438.


“None of us knows what we are capable of until we are tested,” once said Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, as she reflected on her long career. To be the first in a male-dominated field in a time when women had few rights led her to be tested many times. Because of her determination, Blackwell became the first woman physician in the United States, paving the way for others to follow.

LEDC Update

LEDC Update

What an exciting week the LEDC has had! We had our regularly scheduled board meeting on September 15 and with it came some exciting decisions regarding the future of Linden.

	Chamber Chat

Chamber Chat

Our team is so pleased to acknowledge that it is now officially Fall! Pretty leaves, pumpkin spice and everything nice will soon be transforming our daily activities into a seasonal experience. Flannel and Fall’s hottest prints are filling the windows of our boutiques and let’s be honest, cooler weather is on everyone’s mind!


Cass County Now

306 West Main St
Atlanta, TX 75551